Saturday, September 19, 2015

Lunch Menu for September 21-25, 2015

Changes will be coming to the lunch menu as of October 1st, 2015 

To be compliant with Nation School Lunch Regulations,  Yamhill Carlton School District will be raising lunch prices by $0.05. 

Grades K-4 will now be $2.55

Grades 5-12 will now be $2.80

This will be effective October 1, 2015

USDA and Yamhill Carlton School District are equal opportunity providers and employers.

Open House

Have you heard of our annual Open House? It is fast approaching! On Thursday, September 24th, starting at 5:30, there will be a barbecue and open classrooms (they will open @ 6pm) to give you information about what your child is learning about this year. There is always great information given by staff and plenty of volunteer opportunities, like holiday parties and classroom reading!
Look for the PTO table we will be there to answer any of your questions, set you up to donate (credit cards are now accepted), and to sign you up for the day of walkathon volunteer positions.

We are looking forward to your Superkids helping fund the next great addition to our school. Have any great ideas? Be sure to come to our PTO Board Meeting on Thursday October 1st at 6pm. We love to have all of your precious feedback!

Friday, September 18, 2015

We’re all Superheroes now!

Walkathon Kickoff was today! The kids learned that they too will be superheroes for this walkathon. For all the students that can bring in $10 dollars they will go home on walkathon day with superhero capes and awesome water bottles! And again, like last year, a total of $50 in donations gives them a ticket for the prize raffles!
YCES has only one fundraiser a year and this money goes towards the budget for the Yamhill Carlton Parent Teacher Organization (YCPTO). YCPTO supports our students and school in many ways through your generous contributions. Some of the money goes toward annual expenses including field trips and assemblies, teachers purchases, library books, the Spring Carnival, and the Mad Science Fair. Our monies are also used for larger purchases like the new water fountain/filling station, for classroom technology (iPads), playground equipment and upkeep, and more!
We look forward to what our superheroes can do for our school. Thanks in advance for your support!! Check out the walkathon tab above for an easy way to donate!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Nana nana nana nana… Batman!

If you’ve turned in your background checks please feel free to come kick off the walkathon tomorrow at 2pm. We have some awesome plans in the kid's future!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Homework got you down?

We’ve all been there. We look at our child’s homework and cannot figure it out. We want to be that help to them but all of a sudden we feel that there is no way that we can be that person for them. What to do?
Step 1: Breath! All of you!
A method of relaxation breathing can be found on
Teddy Bear Breathing- Lie on your back, place one hand on your chest and place your favorite teddy bear on your belly button. Close your eyes and relax your whole body. Breath in slowly through your nose. Your teddy bear should slowly rise, but your chest should not. When you have taken a full deep breath, hold it, count to three then slowly breathe out. Repeat a few times, until your feel relaxed.
Step 2: Get a snack!
Often the hardest time to think is when we are at our “hangriest”. I know that if my mind is working hard it needs a nutritious, brain pumping treat! Try a great snack of greek yogurt with Muesli! I have it on great authority (my sons) that there is a great place to find this delicious snack right in town!
Step 3: Cheer them on!
You are not responsible for making sure the homework is done correctly but rather giving the kids the confidence to try it on their own and ask questions (and “I don’t know… Let’s find out” is perfectly acceptable.). Cheer them on! Give them high-fives! Don’t assume that they have to be right all the time. They need to be wrong to know what is right.
Step 4: Give yourself a pat on the back!
You did it! Now if you are still asking questions and needing help our teachers can always answer these and will be more than willing to assist you. Or feel free to check out our homework help tab. We will be adding more sites and solutions as the year moves along to help guide you to the answers your child needs.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

School Pictures!

We have reached that time of year again! That time of year to forget all about picture day! Hopefully you have it more together than I ever do - but if not here’s the skinny:
We are having pictures taken Thursday, September 17th, 2015.

On Lifetouch’s website I found these great tips (maybe there is hope for me yet!):

Use these tips to help your child get ready for a great-looking school portrait that you’ll treasure forever.
  • Help your child pick out clothes and colors that look good on them. After all, your child is the star of the photo—not their shirt, so avoid slogans, logos, and big patterns. Small jewelry and accessories are fine but nothing too big or distracting.
    Make sure to check your flyer to see sample poses for your Picture Day. Some poses may show pants or skirts, so plan the complete outfit.
  • Glasses are okay! Lifetouch photographers know all the tricks to reduce glare.
  • Any hairstyle works for Picture Day. Schedule haircuts a few weeks ahead of time to allow hair to grow back a little, or you can go for a fresh-cut look.
  • Keep kids relaxed and ready to be themselves. Smiles can look fake if they’re practiced ahead of time. Remember, smiles are like french fries—they’re better when they’re fresh.
  • Don’t worry about “perfect”! That hair that always sticks up or a missing tooth shows your child just as they are right now—and you’ll enjoy looking back on that for years to come. On Picture Day, teachers and volunteers will help straighten collars and check posture. And, if you like, we have retouching options for scrapes and blemishes.

Make sure to order your school pictures.  There is a promotion for a free shareable image on the envelopes in the take home folders. Our school's Picture Day ID is FO745439Q0

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome Back!

So glad we could see you all back! It was so good to see you. Did you happen to make it down the hall today? If so, did you see this?
A great welcome to our new water bottle filler! Filtered water is now easily available for the students to fill their water bottles. Feel free to send a refillable water bottle to school for your child!
Also we have great checkers available outside for the kids to play with outside on the asphalt. I know my kids were excited about them.
We had a great day and now on to the morrow!

Monday, September 7, 2015

First Days of School

Do you have a favorite "Back to School" tradition? I see some with their cameras taking awesome photos.  I hear of special breakfasts (pancakes with ears?). I see myself running like a mad hen trying to find that shoe, you know the one that belongs on my son's left foot, it always seems to be missing? Anyways... 

We, the YCPTO, have a new tradition! We love to be there to welcome you all back. We pull out the coffee maker, grab some tasty treats, and man our post in the gym to help you through the transition. This year we will be there Sept 8-10, 7:30a - 10:00a to answer any questions you may have, or to just chat with you about how adorable your child's matching shoes are (you are a lucky one aren't you)! 

School's back tomorrow September 8th! See you all there!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Menu for the First Week of School


Are you ready?!

Can you believe it? This the last weekend before school?! The last 4 days! I am so excited for the kids to go and meet their new teachers, reunite with friends, and restart the routine of the school year. So are you ready? For those last minute purchases school supply lists are available here and free/reduced school lunch forms can be found here!
First day of school is September 8th, 2015!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Teacher Lunch

A big THANKS to all of you who so kindly helped with the teacher luncheon today! All the food looked and smelled so delicious!

Look forward to all of the other ways to help out this year. Check your emails for information from Tessa ( our new volunteer coordinator!