Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pull Out Those Box Tops!

Do you have box tops sitting around at home?  It’s time to bring those to school so we can turn them in for school rewards!


Please bring the box tops in that you have by this Thursday morning, October 30th and we’ll submit what we have to collect money for YCES.

You can drop off box tops at school whenever you collect them!  We bag them in groups of 10 for submission to the Box Top$ program.

Thank you so much for supporting YCES!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"All About the Books, No Trouble"

Have you considered what fun we have with
books and reading?  

Check out this great video created by the Nashville Public

(and turn up the volume!)


Monday, October 20, 2014

Books for Students

One of the greatest ways to ensure children are reading by third grade is to make sure they have books at home. By following the link below you can help provide new reading material for our YCES students. It's simple, for just $2.50 a book or four books for $10 you can put a book in the hands of a child.

And, the best part? Between now and December 31st the Umpqua Bank Charitable Foundation will match the first 20,000 books donated, for a total of $50,000. So hey, you can help twice as many kids! It's fast, it's easy, it's secure. The donated books will be delivered to schools in early 2015.

So if you're so inclined (and we hope you are), follow the link, choose YCES from the list of elementary schools (we're at the very bottom!), and help build literacy in our community.

 And thanks!

Scholastic Donations

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Collecting Pledges

Don't forget to have your kiddos bring in their Walk a Thon pledge envelopes! We'll be collecting and counting them on Monday and Friday mornings until the deadline on October 30th.

If you haven't seen it yet, we're keeping track of our school totals on the bulletin board next to the office off of the main hallway. Ms. Imus's class is in the lead, with Mrs. Schulze's class close behind! We're over halfway to our goal of $32,000!

Great job YCES!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Tomorrow is the big day everyone!!!
Cougar Color Vibe
is here!!!!!

This is the big day our kids have been waiting for – they walk and run laps to raise funds for our school.  Come out and support them!


For all of you wonderful parents that have been asking about volunteering at the Walk a Thon on Thursday.......

First of all, we love you.

If you will be available throughout the day, come down to the track on Thursday morning after drop off (8:15) and we will have volunteer positions available. We will need volunteers for checking off laps, spraying color, passing out snacks and water, and more. If you can't come down at the start of school, please come when you are available! We'll be happy to see you at any time!

9:00-11:00 Kindergarten, 3rd & 4th Grade

12:30-2:30 Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade

If you have questions, please feel free to call or stop by the YCES office on Wednesday and ask to talk to Carrie Lawson, our Walk a Thon committee chair. She will be available to answer any question you may have. Or you can email Carrie at ycpto.carrie@gmail.com.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Reading–A Whole New World!

We’ve all heard how important reading is in school and consequently in life.  From an early age, we learn letters and how to spell our name – then we learn what each letter sounds like – and then put them together to make the words we use every day.

But have you stopped to think about how your world might be if you couldn’t read? 

What challenges you might face? 

How much more difficult things would be – even just going to the grocery store?

Because reading is so important in our everyday lives, wouldn’t it be great if we taught our kids how to enjoy it?  When we like what we do, we want to do it more.  It’s not work then – it’s fun!

This is a great article about helping kids enjoy reading.  (And even parents too!)

Ways to Spark a Love for Reading

Do you have other suggestions for parents?  Please share them in our comment section!  We would love to hear what works for you.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Register to Vote!!!

The election is coming soon.  Are you registered to vote?


Click on the photo above and you can register online right now!  It takes just a few minutes.  Grab your driver’s license or state ID card, enter your personal information, and voila!


(here’s the link just in case:  oregonvotes.gov/go-vote)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Donate with a Credit or Debit Card!!

This year for the YCES Walk-a-Thon we have the ability to receive donations via credit or debit card or even personal Paypal accounts!

How do you do it?

To pay with a credit or debit card, simply look to the top left of this screen – enter the name of the student you’re donating for, then click “Buy Now”.  (You will be directed to a secure Paypal screen to use either your debit or credit card.)

To pay with your Paypal account, just log in and follow these steps:

1. Select “pay or send money”paypal1

2. Select “send money to a friend”

3. Enter this e-mail address: ycptoinfo@gmail.com

4. Be sure to enter the name of the student you’[re donating for in the box above the send button


We appreciate your support!

Thanks so much for contributing to YCES!!