Tomorrow is the big day everyone!!!
Cougar Color Vibe
is here!!!!!
This is the big day our kids have been waiting for – they walk and run laps to raise funds for our school. Come out and support them!
For all of you wonderful parents that have been asking about volunteering at the Walk a Thon on Thursday.......
First of all, we love you.
If you will be available throughout the day, come down to the track on Thursday morning after drop off (8:15) and we will have volunteer positions available. We will need volunteers for checking off laps, spraying color, passing out snacks and water, and more. If you can't come down at the start of school, please come when you are available! We'll be happy to see you at any time!
9:00-11:00 Kindergarten, 3rd & 4th Grade
12:30-2:30 Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade
If you have questions, please feel free to call or stop by the YCES office on Wednesday and ask to talk to Carrie Lawson, our Walk a Thon committee chair. She will be available to answer any question you may have. Or you can email Carrie at